Pen Tapper Attempts the TikTok 12345678 Challenge
Lennie Simo (Lenstrumental) pen tapped his way through the TikTok 12345678 Challenge in rapid fire on his kitchen table.

Artist Pastes Life-Size Images of People at Locations Where They Were Captured on Google Street View
Artist Paolo Cirio made life-sized images of people who were captured on Google Street View at the locations where they were photographed.

Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden Reminds Concert Audience to Put on Seatbelts in a 1990 PSA
Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden urged exiting concert-goers to "belt up" or end up like Eddie in a 1990 USDOT PSA.

A Lively Fingerstyle Cover of the AC/DC Anthem ‘Highway to Hell’ on Acoustic Guitar
Luca Stricagnoli performed a lively percussive fingerstyle cover of the iconic AC/DC anthem "Highway to Hell" on carbon acoustic guitar.

Alan Carr Reads an Indignant Letter Written In-Flight by an Airline Passenger Seated Next to the Lavatory
Alan Carr read a rather amusing, yet indignant letter that from a very disgruntled Continental passenger who was seated next to the lavatory.

Why Identical Twins Are Not Always Entirely Identical
Jaida Elcock of SciShow explained the various ways in which identical twins may not actually be entirely identical.

Cat Queues Patiently For Her Turn in a Cardboard Box
A black cat very calmly queued up for her turn in the cardboard box that her feline sibling was currently using, with no end in sight.

Talented Dancer Moves Like a Robot
Brazilian freestyle dancer Maikon Alves is able to move and pop his body in such a way that he looks like a robot while he's dancing

An Ingenious ‘Key-Bowed’ Synthesizer That’s Played Like a Violin
Engineer Washiyama Giken combined a synthesizer with a violin, using piezo sensor that was set to string vibration mode.

A Playable Electric Guitar Made Out of a Wooden Pallet
Musician Christian E. Boeger of moonfunshop built a unique yet very playable electric guitar out of a wooden pallet.