Greg Leyh Fires a Giant High-Voltage Plasma Canon
Electrical engineer Greg Leyh demonstrates his "Lorentz Plasma Cannon", a unique high-voltage targeted energy device.

How David Lynch Profoundly Impacted Electronic Music
Thomann Synthesizers put together a beautiful tribute to the late great David Lynch and his profound impact on electronic music.

How the Appearance of Aliens From Other Worlds Would Be Optimized for Their Environments
Kurzgesagt colorfully took a look at how aliens might look, noting that their features would be optimized to their environments.

Relaxing High Definition Videos of Walking Through Tokyo in the Heavy Rain
SoulHealing99 creates wonderfully relaxing 3 hour high definition videos of walking through the streets of Tokyo in the heavy rain.

Roger Daltrey of The Who Talks About the Inspiration for the Song ‘Behind Blue Eyes’
Roger Daltrey of The Who sat down with Dan Rather of The Big Interview to answer the question about the inspiration for "Behind Blue Eyes".

What Would Happen If Extinct Creatures Survived and Kept Evolving Through Modern Day
What If? pondered what might happen if insects, reptiles, sharks, and dinosaurs rendered extinct by natural disasters, kept on evolving.

How the United States Acquired Each of Its Territories
Carter Stacy of That Is Interesting explained how the United States acquired and colonized each of its far-reaching territories.

Actor Performs Dramatic Readings of Song Lyrics
Actor James McNicholas performs "Songalogues", dramatic readings of song lyrics while dressed as unique yet relevant characters.

Musician Mimics His Cat’s Meows With Guitar Licks
Studio musician Martin Motnik quite amusingly mimicked his cat's plaintive meows, with some really tasty guitar licks.

How Certain People Become Self-Serving Narcissists Who Are Apathetic to the World Around Them
After Skool vividly illustrated the words of author Robert Greene who explained how certain people become self-serving narcissists.