Simon’s Cat Offers an Amusing Animated Guide to Understanding the Quirky Behaviors of Pet Humans
The very mischievous, ever-hungry and rather cunning Simon’s Cat hilariously put together a helpful animated guide to understanding the odd behaviors of a pet human.…
SelfieBot, A Raspberry Pi Powered Instant Camera With a Fun Personality
Designers Sophy Wong and Kim Pimmel joined forces to create SelfieBot, a Raspberry Pi powered instant camera that comes equipped with a cute face and…
Google Takes a Look Back at the Top Search Trends in 2017 From Around the World
Google has released “Year In Search 2017,” their annual recap of the top search trends from around the world. We previously wrote about their annual…
Thanks for the Stars, A Befitting Doctor Puppet Farewell to Peter Capaldi and the 12th Doctor Who
“Thanks for the Stars” is a really lovely and befitting farewell by Alisa Stern‘s wonderful stop-motion puppet series “Doctor Puppet” (previously) to Peter Capaldi, the…
An Animated Short About a Group of Freezing Logs Who Use Their Own Bodies for Fire Fuel
TIMBER is an animated short film, created by Nils Hedinger, about a group of freezing logs who realize that their own bodies are the only…
Tiny Workers Find a Way to Share Christmas Together in a Touching Ad for Migros Supermarkets
In a touching Christmas advert for the Swiss supermarket chain Migros, a tiny worker known as a “Migroswichtel” (imp) who provides the electronic beeps at…
Daring Unicyclist Lutz Eichholz Conquers Mountains All Around the World
Great Big Story caught up with professional unicyclist Lutz Eichholz to learn more about how he has conquered mountains all around the world. Imagine shredding…
Avid Sporcle Trivia Game Player Types Every Single Country in the World in Less Than Three Minutes
Vat19 reviewer and avid Sporcle player Vat19Nvjds amazingly identified and typed in the names of every country in the popular Countries of the World quiz…
HUBO the Humanoid Robot Cuts a Hole in Wall to Pass On the Olympic Torch in South Korea
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology‘s (KAIST) humanoid robot, HUBO, hit the road in Daejeon, South Korea earlier this week to carry the Olympic…
The Rock Hall Announces the Class of 2018 Inductees Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Welcome to the Hall of Fame, official #RockHall2018 Inductees. Class + @KlipschAudio Induction Ceremony details: — Rock Hall (@rockhall) December 13, 2017 At…