A Caged Songbird Helps an Abandoned Young Whale Find His Own Voice in a Touching Animated Short
“The Bird and the Whale” is a touching stop-motion animated short by the Irish animation company Paper Panther, written and directed by Carol Freeman, that tells the story of a young whale who got separated from his pod who hasn’t yet found his voice. In his travels, the whale encounters a caged songbird, the only survivor of a tragic sea accident. Together, the bird and the whale make their way through the rough ocean, each finding their own voices in their own way.
The Bird and the Whale is a story about a young whale struggling to find his voice. After straying too far from his family to explore a shipwreck, he discovers it’s sole survivor, a caged songbird. Together they struggle to survive lost at sea.
The film was created with paint-on-glass animation. Paper Panther further shared how they made the film in an informative behind-the-scenes video.
via Colossal