Cat Queues Patiently For Her Turn in a Cardboard Box
A black cat very calmly queued up for her turn in the cardboard box that her feline sibling was currently using, with no end in sight.
Talented Dancer Moves Like a Robot
Brazilian freestyle dancer Maikon Alves is able to move and pop his body in such a way that he looks like a robot while he's dancing
An Ingenious ‘Key-Bowed’ Synthesizer That’s Played Like a Violin
Engineer Washiyama Giken combined a synthesizer with a violin, using piezo sensor that was set to string vibration mode.
A Playable Electric Guitar Made Out of a Wooden Pallet
Musician Christian E. Boeger of moonfunshop built a unique yet very playable electric guitar out of a wooden pallet.
How Peter Sellers Fully Embodied Inspector Clouseau in the ‘Pink Panther’ Film Franchise
Hats Off Entertainment noted how Peter Sellers turned Inspector Clouseau from a small role into the star of "The Pink Panther" franchise.
Light Artist Explains the Magical Process of How Holograms Are Created
Matthew Schreiber explained how he creates holograms, noting how the multi-step process of capturing light waves through lasers is magical to him.
The Real Reason Why Cats Wake Their Humans Up at Night or Very Early in the Morning
Cats who wake their humans up in the middle of the night or in the very early mornings are not hungry but concerned about safety.
How Insects Have Evolved to Adapt to the Harshest of Environments on Earth
A Ted-Ed lesson explains how some insects are able to survive in the harshest of environments due to evolutionary advantages.
Compassionate Man Finds Abandoned Duck Egg on the Street That He Brought Home to Hatch
Riyadh Khalaf found an abandoned duck egg and took it home, put it into an incubator and anxiously waited for the egg to hatch.
Athlete Adopts the Stray Dog Who Ran 80 Miles of an 155 Mile Race With Him in China
When Dion Leonard was running a 155 mile race in China, he saw a small dog was doing her best to keep up with him so he adopted her.