Cleverly Designed Counter Stools That Are Perfectly Hidden in the Kitchen Island When Not in Use
The HIDDenSit by award-winning minimalist designers Erla Dögg Ingjaldsdóttir and Tryggvi Thorsteinsson of Minarc is a very cleverly designed set of counter stools that are…
A Picturesque 5 Hour Walking Tour of Paris Landmarks
Isaac Harjo of Prowalk Tours took his viewers on a picturesque walking tour of Paris. Over the course of five hours, Harjo explores in and…
What It Is Like To Live In a Remote Iceland Fjord Village
Former film industry worker Isley Reust spoke with the Bustle series Relocated about living in the remote fjord town of Ìsafjörður in north western Iceland.…
Comedian Does Impression of Vlogger Tom Scott in a Hilarious Video About a Cloning More Tom Scotts
Canadian comedian Matt Colbo, who previously did a funny imitation of vlogger Tom Scott, followed up with another tribute video that hilariously examines one researcher’s…
Talented Cat Walks Up the Stairs on His Human’s Feet
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nipa the talented cat ? ( A very talented cat named Nipa obediently placed his paws…
Son Ponders Why Moms Add an ‘S’ to Store Names
View this post on Instagram A post shared by ben polizzi (@benedictpolizzi) Benedict Polizzi, both a son and a comedian, quite humorously wondered aloud why…
Comedian Satirically Gripes About How Inconvenient It is That Nobody Wants to Work in Fast Food Anymore
Comedian Brent Terhune sat in his car and quite satirically griped about how inconvenient it was for him that nobody appeared to want to work…
Minneapolis Meteorologist Giddily Parades Across the Screen After Computer Glitch Multiplies Her Image
While delivering the weather for the Minneapolis area, meteorologist Jennifer McDermed of Fox 9 KMSP found herself being multiplied while on air due to a…
San Francisco Skateboarders Open Up About Bombing the Famous Hills of Their Beloved City
“The Hill Bombers of San Franciso” by Wendi Jonassen for The New Yorker is a fascinating short film in which the skateboarders of San Francisco…
How to Create a Homemade Flipbook Animation
The silent host from The Q Channel (previously) shared a really simple way to create a homemade flipbook animation using a smartphone, paper, pencil and…