Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.
Scottish Broadcaster Tells Dogs Olive and Mable a Scary Bedtime Story About a Haunted Pale Wolf in the Woods
Scottish sportscaster Andrew Cotter told Olive and Mabel a scary bedtime story about a pale wolf that haunts the woods after dark.
Musician Performs the Kid Cudi Song ‘Day ‘N’ Nite’ in the Highly Distinctive Style of Pink Floyd
Nathan Shepherd combined the lyrics from the Kid Cudi song "Day 'N' Night" with the unmistakable musical style of Pink Floyd.
Rescued Wild Sparrow Refuses to Leave the Compassionate People Who Saved Her
A baby wild sparrow named Chiba became so attached to the compassionate Slovenian couple who rescued her that she refuses to leave.
Cat Robotically Twitches Watching a Computer Printer
A tuxedo cat heard his human's printer and went to check it out, stopping at times to twitch like a robot at the document in the tray.
1939 Archival Footage of an Automobile Safety Device Designed to Prevent Pedestrian Injury
Archival footage from 1939 demonstrates an automobile safety device that would "scoop up" pedestrians if they were to be hit by the car.
The Strategic Design Behind Hurricane Lanterns
Watson of Technology Connections examined the unique and strategic design behind the hurricane lanterns that are still in use today.
Amusing Short Film About a New York City Woman Who Falls in Love With the Home Depot 12 Foot Skeleton
The short film "My New Boyfriend" tells of a woman ready to give up on NYC dating when she falls in love with the 12 foot Home Depot skeleton.
Googly Eyed Electronics Perform a Jaunty Halloween Themed Cover of the ‘Ghostbusters’ Theme
The aging appliances of The Device Orchestra performed a jaunty Halloween cover of "Ghostbusters" theme that made their googly-eyes shake.
A Beautiful Black Cat Plays the Role of T. Rex in a Feline Version of the Famous ‘Jurassic Park’ Car Scene
Black cat OwlKitty put her acting chops to use in her biggest role yet, playing the T. Rex in a feline version of "Jurassic Park".
Half-Blind Rescued Cockatiel Wants to Be Friends With Everyone She Meets
A half-blind rescued cockatiel named Ginger has a really big heart and wants to be friends with every creature she meets.