Month August 2018
An Animated Explanation of the Medical and Pharmacological Causes of Hallucinations
In a chimeric Ted-Ed lesson written by educator Elizabeth Cox and animated by Nerdo, narrator Susan Zimmerman explains what causes hallucinations, what happens when hallucinations…
Neil deGrasse Tyson Challenges Chaser the Border Collie to Retrieve a Doll She’d Never Seen Before
On an adorable 2012 episode of the PBS series NOVAScience, popular astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson challenged Chaser, the amazing border collie who understands over 1,000…
Contortionist Shows How He Can Walk Forward With His Feet Turned Completely Backwards
Contortionist Moses Lanham aka Mr. Elastic Man, who set the Guinness World Record for “Fastest time to walk 20 meters with feet facing backwards” in…
Jonathan Banks and Rhea Seehorn of ‘Better Call Saul’ Discuss Some Interesting Fan Interactions
Better Call Saul actors Jonathan Banks (Mike Ehrmantraut) and Rhea Seehorn (Kim Wexler) sat down with New York Magazine for an interview during which they…
Artist Christoph Niemann Humorously Explains How Images Can Transcend the Limits of Language
In a wonderfully personable TED Talk, renowned artist, New York Times columnist and author Christoph Niemann explains rather humorously how the language of images can…
New York Public Library Offers Access to Classic Tales Through Instagram Stories With ‘Insta Novels’
The incredibly imaginative folks at The New York Public Library partnered with the independent creative company Mother New York to create and promote their wonderful…
A Hapless Sheep Stuck in a Tire Swing Goes for an Unexpected Ride While Trying to Run Away
An Adorably Confused Pet Crab Attempts To Figure Out How to Best Eat a Bowl of Noodles
A Hilariously Irreverent Demon Skull Fireplace Log
Myad has created a hilariously irreverent fireproof demon skull gas log designed to be used in a gas fireplace or fire pit. Like the fireproof…
Artist Completes Wildlife Portraits Using Live Ants
A post shared by Iantha Naicker (Deaf) (@ianthaartlife) on Aug 22, 2018 at 2:20am PDT Artist Iantha Naiker has taken the very unique step of…