Tiny Orange Kitten Quickly Befriends a Famous Wildlife Photographer
While on location in the Aegean Islands, photographer Mitsuaki Iwago became the object of curiosity, interest, and affection for a tiny orange kitten who bravely wandered away from his mom. Mitsuaki had been filming a segment for an NHK television special about cats of the world.
Wildlife photographer Mitsuaki Iwago photographs charming cats he meets on streets around the world. In the first episode, on islands in the Aegean Sea, he joins the cats promenading and captures beautiful images of them jumping from roof to roof against the backdrop of a blue sky. “To live is to move!” comments Iwago. The second episode is set in ancient Marrakech in Morocco, where craftsmen treat the mice-catching cats tenderly, and a mother cat can safely raise her kittens on the street.