Friends Ask a Stranger to Take a Photo of Them With Puzzling Results in an Amusing Sketch by Tiny Idea
A creepy yet amusing sketch by Tiny Idea features two friends who asked a passing stranger to take a photo of them.
How Every Civilization Follows an Endless Cycle of Tyrannical Failure and Democratic Rebirth
Gregory S. Aldrete explained how the endless cycle of Anacyclosis explains tyrannical failure and democratic rebirth.
A 100 Year Old Clothes Dryer That Attaches to a Wall and Fans Out Like an Umbrella
Remnants of Our Past shared footage of a very clever clothes dryer from 100 years ago with retractable arms that fan out like an umbrella.
A Comprehensive Compilation of Celebrities Who Appeared As Guest Stars on ‘Miami Vice’
Miami Vice Remastered put together a comprehensive compilation of actors, musicians, athletes, and models who appeared on 'Miami Vice'.
The Inspiring and Painful History of the Potato
OTR Food & History explained the long, mysterious, inspiring and painful history behind the common everyday potato.
Captain Kirk Bids Farewell to Mr. Spock in a Short Film For the 30th Anniversary of ‘Star Trek: Generations’
William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy's Estate, and Otoy released a short film in honor of the 30th anniversary of "Star Trek: Generations".
The Louis Vuitton Flagship Store in NYC Is Disguised As a Tower of Their Luggage Trunks During Renovation
Louis Vuitton has turned their flagship store in NYC into an oversized stack of their signature luggage trunks while undergoing renovation.
Why One Quarter of All Human Bones Reside in the Feet
Reid Reimers of SciShow explained how humans evolved to have a quarter of our bones reside in our feet for increased flexibility.
Surprised Mom Reveals What Her Young Daughter Packed in Her Lunch Box
Madi Cochrane was not only surprised that her 5 year old daughter Ellie packed her own lunch but also by what was actually in the lunch box.
How Holiday Cookie Cutters Are Made
Ann Clark Ltd. in Rutland, Vermont shared a number of super satisfying videos that show how they make their seasonal cookie cutters.