How Dandelions Went From Useful Plants to Pesky Weeds
The History Guy reflects on the long history of the dandelion, noting how it was once a useful medicinal plant before it was a pesky weed.
How Honest Self-Reflection Can Lead to Better Sleep
School of Life looks into why its difficult to get a good night's sleep and explains how honest self-reflection can be the remedy for insomnia.
An Animated Tour Inside the Iconic Sydney Opera House
3D Jared Owen virtually deconstructed the legendary Sydney Opera House while explaining its history and architecture.
Parrot Sings ‘Bad Boys’ Whenever She Hears a Siren
An Amazon parrot named Jolene adorably sings Inner Circle's iconic "Cops: theme song "Bad Boys" whenever she hears a siren.
Londoner Explains the Cockney Accent
Instructor Gideon of LetThemTalkTV, a speaker of Standard British English, explained how to speak with a Cockney accent.
Black and White Cat and Her Matching Kittens Adopt Orphaned Baby Skunk
An orphaned baby skunk named Duke finds a new family with a rescued black and white mother cat named Ruby and her matching kittens.
The Complete Collection of Music Videos Played on MTV’s Headbanger’s Ball
A fan put together the complete collection of the 1,215 videos that were played on MTV's Headbanger's Ball from 1987 until its demise.
A Nostalgic Compilation of Saturday Morning Programming From 1964 to 1976
Johnnyboy792 put together a compilation of Saturday morning programming that aired between 1964 and 1976 in the United States.
Elephant Gets New Prosthetic For His Missing Foot
An Asian elephant named Chhouk, who was found orphaned and missing his left front foot in 2007, was fitted with a brand-new prosthetic.
A Comprehensive Illustrated Map of Modern Medicine
Science writer Dominic Walliman of Domain of Science comprehensively visualized the areas in modern medicine in a single illustrated map.