A Wide Eyed Animated Black Cat Walks Through the World in SAER’s Cover of ‘I Walk the Line’
A wide-eyed black cat leaves the safety of home to wander through the real world in the music video for SAER's "I Walk the Line".
Sassy Cockatoo Casually Drops Mic After Saying Hello
A sassy cockatoo names Snowee said hello into a tiny pink microphone before grabbing it from her human and then dropping it onto the floor.
Orphaned Baby Monkey Finds Companionship With Baby Deer
A baby patas monkey who was brought to Greenfingers Wildlife Sanctuary found companionship with a baby deer close to his own age.
A Sultry 1940s Big Band Cover of The Cure’s ‘Lovesong’
Postmodern Jukebox partnered with UK singer Emma Smith to perform a very sultry, 1940s Big Band cover of "Lovesong" by The Cure.
Boston Dynamics Turn Their Spot Quadruped Robots Into Talking Tour Guides Using ChatGPT
Matt Klingensmith of Boston Dynamics explained how they turned their Spot quadruped robots into talking tour guides using ChatGPT.
Talking Heads Members Discuss How They Started Out As a Cover Band at the Rhode Island School of Design
The members of Talking Heads recalled how they started out as a cover band at the Rhode Island School of Design.
An Online Museum of Pivotal Early Internet Artifacts
Neal.fun created an online museum of Internet Artifacts that documents the pivotal years of the development of the world wide web.
A Ravenous Rolling Paper Shredder on Wheels
Japhy Riddle cleverly added wheels to his mom's old paper shredder and fed it a very long ream of computer paper.
How the Unique Linguistics of ‘The Sopranos’ Became Essential to the Story
Michael Lindsey looks at the unique linguistics of the the famous Sopranos of New Jersey, particularly noting their Italian roots.
Newly Rescued Greyhound Gleefully Enjoys Her First Time on the Beach
A joyous rescued greyhound named Frankie gleefully ran around in circles the very first time she was let off-leash on the beach.