100 Amusing Examples of Seeing Faces in Things
Karol Antoniewicz of Colorscream compiled 100 amusing examples of Pareidolia, the natural human tendency to see faces in random objects.
An Amusing List of Animals With Misleading Names
Patrick Foote of Name Explain compiled an amusing list of different animals that have very misleading, if not completely confusing names.
Ringo Starr Tells Dan Rather How He Joined The Beatles as Their New Drummer
Ringo Starr sat down with Dan Rather, reflecting upon his early years of music and how he came to be the drummer for The Beatles.
The Amazing Anatomy of Spiders
Explanation Avenue visually examined the intricate anatomy of spiders using a 3D animation of a black widow spider.
Robotic Spy Mudskipper Participates in Jumping Contest to Compete For a Mate
A spy mudskipper attempted to woo a mate using by waving its electronic fin and its leaping capabilities in a clip from "Spy in the Ocean'
How to Learn From Failure
A TED-Ed lesson explains how humans can learn from failure despite the paralyzing demoralization that comes with not achieving a goal.
Baby Adorably Copies Everything the Cat Does
A little toddler adorably followed the family's one-eyed tabby cat around the house and copied every move that the feline made.
Hot Dogs on Wheels Travel Down Track Then Make Flying Leaps Onto a Barbecue Grill
Pablo Rochat built an amusing contraption that begins with a hot dog on wheels that evenutally makes a flying leap onto a barbecue grill.
An Innovative Robotic Tattoo Machine That Applies Intricate Designs With Little Pain Involved
Blackdot is an innovative robotic tattoo machine that applies intricate skin designs while minimizing the pain that often goes with the art.
The 17th Century Italian Woman Who Poisoned 600 Men Using Her Unique Makeup
Weird History tells the story of Giulia Tofana, who was responsible for the death of 600 men using her poisonous makeup in 17th century Italy.