Conjoined Twins Abby and Brittany Prepare for Their First Day of School as Newly Hired 5th Grade Teachers
After returning from their post-college adventures, conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel excitedly shopped and prepared for their first day of school as fifth grade…
Respiro Del Diavolo, A Spicy Hot Pepper Ice Cream That Requires a Signed Release Before Consuming
A post shared by Hop and Heat (@hopandheat) on Feb 8, 2018 at 9:38am PST The Aldwych Café, an award winning casual restaurant and ice…
Olympic Skeleton Racer John Daly Explains What it Feels Like to Slide Downhill at 90 MPH
Great Big Story visited with skeleton racer and two-time Olympic athlete John Daly to chat about his thrilling sport and find out what it feels…
Chow Crown, Hasbro’s New Musical Game Where You Try to Eat Food Rotating Around Your Head
Chow Crown is an upcoming musical game by Hasbro where players put on a special crown, clip on their favorite foods to a rotating wheel,…
Why Olympic Athletes Bite Their Gold Medals
In a sporting episode of the Olympic Channel series Burning Questions, a bearded host cheerfully explained a brief animated history of Olympic medals, the fairly…
A Trumpet Cover of ‘The Force Theme’ From Star Wars in a Stairwell Featuring Amazing Reverb
ZHL242 performed a trumpet cover of “The Force Theme” (“The Hologram / Binary Sunset”) from Star Wars in the stairwell of an empty music building…
Bewildered White Cat Watches as a Toy Truck Drives in Circles On a Colorful Track Built Over Her Body
A beautiful white fluffy cat in a slightly bewildered state watched as a toy SUV truck rode around and around in circles on a colorful…
The United States Post Office to Dedicate a Forever Stamp to the Beloved Memory of Mister Rogers
On February 2, 2018, Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan of the United States Post Office announced that they would be dedicating a forever postage stamp…
What Siri Would Have Been Like in the 1980s
Jo Luijten of Squirrel-Monkey has created a VHS style video imagining what Siri would have been like in the 1980s.
Lucas the Spider Shows Off His Musical Talent With a Little Song Skillfully Played on a Thumb Piano
Lucas the Spider, the adorable animated arachnid by Joshua Slice who has led quite a busy life thus far, decided that he wanted to show…