Frank Ocean’s Song ‘Super Rich Kids’ Brings Color Changing LED Lights to Life in a Mesmerizing Video
Sean Green created r/hue, a mesmerizing video featuring an array of Philips Hue color changing LED lights coming to life throughout his apartment. Thanks to…
The Artwork Forge II, A Whimsical Robotic Shed That Creates Custom Art Based Upon Compiled Data
Installation artist Toby Fraley, who we’ve previously written about, has created “The Artwork Forge II“, a whimsical turquoise blue shed that sits in front of…
milliDelta, A Small Origami-Inspired Robot Developed at Harvard That is Super Fast and Precise
Researchers at the Wyss Institute and Harvard SEAS has developed a millimeter-scale origami-inspired delta robot, called the milliDelta, that is extremely small (the size of…
Weird Al Yankovic Parodies Billy Joel’s ‘It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me’ With ‘It’s Still Billy Joel to Me’ in 1983
In a rare, unreleased performance from 1983, a bespectacled, mustachioed and curly haired Weird Al Yankovic very cleverly parodied the Billy Joel song “It’s Still…
Amusing Charts Made With Found Objects
A post shared by Michelle Rial (@realifecharts) on Jan 19, 2018 at 11:50am PST San Francisco artist Michelle Rial has created a series of amusing…
Brooklyn Roommates Clear Out Their Apartment Once a Month to Host an Entire Orchestra Inside
Musician roommates Evan Tyor and Luke McGinnis amazingly clear out their 500 square foot Brooklyn apartment in order to host an entire orchestra inside. To…
The Touching Story of Military Men Who Fell in Love 25 Years Ago and Got Married at a Veteran’s Home
In a touching love story that’s perfect for Valentine’s Day, StoryCorps interviewed John Banvard and Jerry Nadeau, both of whom served during wartime. Banvard, who…
Mesmerizing Footage of a Tiny Baby Octopus Changing Color as It Bursts Out of Its Egg Sac
A cluster of cephalopod egg sacs at the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center began to erupt and a newly hatched baby octopus bursts through,…
LEGO Ship in a Bottle
Jake Sadovich of Garden City, Idaho created an incredible ship in a bottle entirely out of LEGO. It is now available to purchase from the…
A Giant Sphere Made From 42,000 Matches Set on Fire
Ben Ahles spent months gluing 42,000 matches together to create a giant sphere, then set it on fire. A post shared by @benahlesahles on Feb…