A Fascinating Demonstration of the Differences Between English, German, Dutch, and Afrikaans
Language of Earth shared a fascinating demonstration showing the differences and similarities between English, German, Dutch, and Afrikaans.
Is Afrikaans similar to Dutch? How similar are German and English? Let’s compare four of the most spoken Germanic languages – English vs. German vs. Dutch vs. Afrikaans.
The English speaker spoke the initial phrase, the German speaker, the Dutch speaker, and the Afrikaans speaker all followed in suit. The four used numbers, colors, food, animals, vehicles, and simple phrases to emphasize how each word is pronounced.
This Germanic language comparison will help you understand the difference in spelling, pronunciation, and grammar between English, German, Dutch, and Afrikaans.

The phrases also helped to reveal verb persons and tenses used in each language.
In the conversation section of this video, German, Dutch, and Afrikaans all use the casual forms of “you”: du, je, and jy, respectively. English does not have casual and formal forms of “you”.