Dr. Seuss’ World War II Malaria Awareness Pamphlet and Newsmap
We posted recently about Theodor Geisel’s advertising work in the early 1940s. But the artist better known as Dr. Seuss also made art while serving…

Duelity, An Animation Showing Two Takes On The Origin of Life
“Duelity” consists of two animations showing different interpretations of the origin of life on Earth. One side is Genesis told in modern business and technology-centric…

Ridley Scott’s Boy and Bicycle (1965) Starring Tony Scott (1944-2012)
A clip from Boy and Bicycle (1965) the 25-minute black and white film that marked the debut of director Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Gladiator). Made…

Silver & Light The Wet-Plate Photography of Ian Ruhter
Silver & Light" is a short documentary about photographer Ian Ruhter who uses an early photographic technique called collodion wet plate.

Short Film on The Rosetta Project: Preserving Languages for Millennia
Rosetta is a short film about the Long Now Foundation‘s Rosetta Project, a language archive inspired by the Rosetta Stone and Long Now’s mission to…

AIDS 2015, A PSA Starring Zach Galifianakis & Sarah Silverman
In this PSA video, Zach Galifianakis humorously reports from the exotic future of the year 2015, with fellow time travellers Sarah Silverman, Chloë Moretz, Marisa…

Andy Griffith (1926-2012), Actor and Comedian
Actor Andy Griffith died today at age 86. He is best known now for his eponymous TV show of the 1960s and for playing the…
Terminally Illin’, A Cancer-Ass-Kicking Comic Book
Terminally Illin’ is a graphic novel, co-created by cancer survivor Kaylin Andres and Jon Solo that tells the story of a young woman in her…

Vintage Polaroid Ads Featuring Jack Parr, Jerry Lewis, Aaron Paul and More
Polaroid cameras sponsored “The Tonight Show” with Steve Allen and later Jack Paar for many years in the 1950’s and 60’s. In that era show…

New HBO Comedy Veep With Julia Louis-Dreyfus Has British Roots
Comedy fans from both sides of the Atlantic are excited for HBO’s new comedy series Veep starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus as the Vice President of the…