Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.

Woman Goes Into Sewer to Save Baby Ducks
A brave woman went into a sewer to rescue baby ducks who had accidentally fallen in through the grate as their worried mother watched.

Wynton Marsalis Explains How the Rhythm Section Swings
Wynton Marsalis explained the role of the rhythm section in music as part of the lecture "Music as Metaphor" at Harvard University in 2011.

A Wonderful LEGO Animation of a Swimming Octopus
Legotto created a wonderful stop motion pixel art animation that features a LEGO octopus swimming down to the twilight zone of the ocean.

A QWERTY Typewriter Keyboard Made Out of Drums
EMC Productions built a QWERTY typewriter out of 26 different drums, with each sporting a different letter of the English alphabet.

Competing in the Finnish Hobby Horse Championships
Mica of FlyingHighHobbyHorse shared her wonderful experience of participating in the Finnish Hobby Horse Championships 2023.

Grateful Octopus Returns to Shore to Thank the People Who Saved His Life
A family came saved a helpless octopus who was stranded in the sand and the octopus returned the next day to thank them.

Street Artist Adds Clever Elements to Urban Objects
60 Second Docs spoke with Frankey, a talented Amsterdam street artist who adds clever elements to ordinary urban objects.

A Chilling Compilation of The Titanic Sinking in Scenes From 100 Years of Film and Television
Captain JZH compiled chilling footage from 100 years of film and television programs that portray the doomed R.M.S. Titanic.

Steely Dan on ‘The Midnight Special’ in 1973
While appearing on "The Midnight Special" on August 31, 1973, the inimitable Steely Dan played an amazing set of their now-iconic songs.

How Common Items Became the Iconic Colors They Are
Weird History explains how common items took on specific hues that have lived on, whether by accident or by what was available at the time.