The Man Who Turns Off a Suburban Holiday Light Show Offers His Honest Thoughts About Christmas
In the short film “The Christmas Light Killer“, director James Gannon of Pocket Storms Productions profiles city worker James D. Cochran whose job it is…
Incredibly Rare Underwater Footage of a Stray Giant Squid Swimming Around Toyama Bay in Japan
On December 24, beautiful rare underwater footage was captured of a stray giant squid who was swimming near boat moorings in the shallow waters off…
Smart Cat Figures Out How to Get the Most Out of Drinking Water While Wearing a Protective Collar
A smart little calico named Mine certainly knows how to make the best out of a bad situation. In this case, the clever kitty used…
A Clever Video That Features a Drug Deal Being Conducted Through the Titles of 160 Films
The Fine Brothers partnered up with the Brooklyn based comedy group POYKPAC to create “Movie Title Drug Deal”, a clever video that features a drug…
International Trailer for Hank Williams Biopic ‘I Saw the Light’ Starring Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen
Sony Pictures has released the international trailer for I Saw the Light the upcoming Hank Williams biography that stars Tom Hiddleston as the country star…
Family Recreates Scenes From ‘The Shining’ Inside an Extremely Detailed Gingerbread Overlook Hotel
Filmmaking twins Aaron Keeling and Austin Keeling along with the rest of their family have created an amazingly detailed Overlook Hotel out of gingerbread into…
Artist Embroiders New Life Into Faded Photos by Making Them Anatomically Correct
In her new series “Conceptual 2015“, artist Juana Gómez breathed new life into black-and-white photos by embroidering correct anatomy atop – the pulmonary system over…
A Quick Lesson on the International Pagan Origins of Traditional Christmas Customs and Celebrations
AJ+ offers a quick animated lesson about the Pagan roots of time-honored Christmas traditions such as decorating the tree (from Latvia and Northern Europe), Santa…
A Hilarious Animated Parody of ‘The Grinch Who Stole Christmas’ That Calls Out Anonymous Trolls
Comedian, writer and filmmaker Owen Weber has created “How The Troll Stole YouTube“, a hilarious parody of the classic Dr. Suess tale “How the Grinch…
Illustrator Cleverly Hides a Panda Amongst a Multitude of Snowmen and a Cat Amongst Owls
Cartoonist Gergely Dudás aka Dudolf has created two wonderfully illustrated visual search paradigms that challenge viewers to find a panda amongst an avalanche of snowmen…