Confident Six Year Old Girl Shows Up to a Princess Themed Party Dressed as a Hot Dog
No parent is ready to learn that their daughter is trending… #hotdogprincess Best part is it was all her idea!
— Brandon E Turner (@turnerbrandon) June 2, 2016
When six year-old Ainsley Turner of Apex, North Carolina showed up for the princess-themed event at the Holly Springs Dance School as a hot dog, she became a hero to many people who admired that kind of confidence and ingenuity, including her dance teacher who first put the “hot dog princess” on Twitter.
It was princess day at dance and one little girl came as a hot dog I have never admired someone more
— Grayson Lamontagne (@graysonl3) May 9, 2016
Since that day, the photo of the lone hot dog amongst a tiny sea of princesses has gone viral, much to the surprise and pride of Ainsley’s father Brandon.
One fan even made an adorable LEGO version of the picture.
Awesome job by @legowenstagram over on Instagram. Thanks for sending this over!
— Brandon E Turner (@turnerbrandon) June 5, 2016
via The Cut