Teenage Girl Imagines Seeing the Worst of Herself While Staring Into a Mirror in a Powerful Animated Short
In the rather powerful animated short “My Body 2018” by Sandralee Zinzen and Nicolas Nivesse of the PÔLE 3D School in Roubaix, France, a teenage…

Geddy Lee, Neil Peart and Alex Lifeson of Rush Enjoy a Hilariously Drunken Meal at a Hunting Lodge in 2010
The members of the brilliant music trio Rush gathered together for a lush meal at a Canadian hunting lodge in 2010. Surrounded by a variety…

Making Colorful Pickles Using Kool-Aid
Kool-Aid Pickles… from r/StupidFood TheGrimGajin added different flavors of Kool-Aid mix to jars pickles with very colorful results. Unfortunately TheGrimGajin did not appreciate the taste…

How the Milton Bradley ‘Game of Life’ Originated as a Somber Instructional Game of Moral Responsibility
Vox Almanac video producer Phil Edwards explained how in 1860 after Milton Bradley‘s illustrations of a beardless Abraham Lincoln became instantly dated when the nominee…

‘The Mandalorian’ Reimagined as Vintage Comic Books
Russian artist Vadim Dvoeglazov has brilliantly reimagined every episode of The Mandalorian as vintage comic book covers.

New York City Street Artist Ricky Syers Shares the Careful Process for Creating His Lifelike Marionettes
Maggie Cai, Shirley Cheng and Shannon Murphy of Insider spent time with the incredibly talented New York City marionettist Ricky Syers. Syers opened up about…

An Original Psychedelic Song Performed on Accordion
Musician Beeble, who previously covered “Billy Jean” with a springy door stopper, performed a truly psychedelic original song on an accordion. He also accompanied himself…

Man Gently Wakes His Beloved Sleeping Rabbit by Surrounding Him With Fresh Dill and Other Produce

Darth Vader Voiced by Frank Costanza

‘1917’ Cinematographer Explains How They Made the Film Appear to Be a Long, Continuous Single Shot
Legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins sat down with Insider to explain how he and Sam Mendes made their World War I film 1917 seem as if…