Father Camouflages Himself Into the Couch as His Daughter Comes Looking for Him
A father created a clever way to hide from his daughter on the couch, he simply camouflaged himself behind a life-size photo of the sofa.

Where’s Waldo? Social Distancing Edition
“Where’s Waldo? Social Distancing Edition” by Clay Bennett for the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Imitates Nine Inch Nails With the Prescient Parody ‘Germs’ During a Live Show in 1999
During a live show in 1999 at the Marin Center in San Rafael, California, the amazing “Weird Al” Yankovic (previously) did his best impression of…

Determined New York City Rat Drags a Stolen McDonald’s Egg McMuffin Down the Subway Stairs
While visiting New York City, Toronto PR executive Laurie J. Weir captured hilarious footage of a determined rat dragging a stolen, uneaten McDonald’s Egg McMuffin…

Coordinated Java Sparrow Seamlessly Rides Down Two Separate Ramps on Two Different Skateboards
A very clever and coordinated Java sparrow named Kota deftly rode a tiny skateboard down a tiny ramp and jumped onto another skateboard on another…

Sock Puppet Eats Passing Cars From the Window
Day 6. pic.twitter.com/er652Oy3Ki — jamie (@gnuman1979) March 16, 2020 Jamie Gagnon has been amusing himself using a sock puppet to eat cars that pass by…

Curious Penguins Wander Around an Empty Aquarium
Like the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago has temporarily closed their doors. While the aquarium was empty of patrons, the resident penguins…

Mel Brooks and His Son Max Team Up to Encourage People to Voluntarily Stay Home
A message from me and my dad, @Melbrooks. #DontBeASpreader pic.twitter.com/Hqhc4fFXbe — Max Brooks (@maxbrooksauthor) March 16, 2020 “Don’t be a spreader” In an amusing public…

Live Video Streams From the Monterey Bay Aquarium
The Monterey Bay Aquarium (previously) has announced that although the aquarium itself is closed to visitors, the live video streams of their resident animals are…

Alton Brown Explains Why Soap Is Better Than Hand Sanitizer During an Amusing Handwashing Tutorial
The fabulously quirky food expert and self-proclaimed Thyme Lord Alton Brown (previously) quite amusingly shared why soap is infinitely better at staving off germs and…