A Mesmerizing View of the Earth’s Most Traveled Underwater Highways as Seen From Space
NASA’s ECCO Group shared a mesmerizing model that plotted the Earth's most traveled underwater highways.

Humanoid Robot Performs Near Perfect Kung Fu Moves
The G1 humanoid robot by Unitree is so nimble that it is able to perform near perfect Kung Fu movements with little or no effort whatsoever.

British Ex-Pat Questions the Strange Borders of Time Zones in the United States
British ex-pat Laurence Brown of Lost in the Pond quite appropriately questioned the bizarre borders of time zones in the United States.

The Complicated History of Milk
The History Guy recounted the complicated history of milk, noting that its basic sugar, lactose, is incredibly complex.

Thoughtful Pregnant Stray Cat Brought Pink Flowers to a Woman’s Door Who Then Let Her Inside to Give Birth
A thoughtful pregnant stray cat brought pink camellia flowers to a woman named Aalishelise's door, who then let her inside to give birth.

Styx Plays the Entirety of Their Albums ‘The Grand Illusion’ and ‘Pieces of Eight’ Live in 2012
During a 2012 show in Memphis, Styx played two of the band's most seminal albums, "The Grand Illusion" and "Pieces of Eight".

The Slow Mo Guys Create a Watermelon Rocket Propelled by Sparklers on a Skateboard
The Slow Mo Guys created a watermelon rocket by placing it on a skateboard and then propelling forward it with lit sparklers.

Silly Bulldog Refuses to Go To Bed Without His Beloved Skateboard
A talented bulldog named Chowder, who absolutely loves to skateboard, refuses to go to bed without his beloved board by his side.

A Pair of Slightly Unhinged Zombie Apocalypse Survivors Hilariously Debate Whether or Not to Eat a Dead Man
In the dark comedy web series "Do We Eat Him?", two slightly unhinged zombie apocalypse survivors debate if they should consume a dead man.

A Day in the Life of a Crane Operator in Oslo, Norway
The BBC Earth Explore series "Everyday Extremes" accompanied a woman named Mina as she worked as a crane operator in Oslo, Norway.