A Wearable Plush Turtle Shell That Can Sooth Anxiety
The Snuggle Shell is a wearable plush turtle shell for adults that's worn like a backpack, is super cozy and helps sooth anxiety.
How Pareidolia Makes the Human Brain Act Like Facial Recognition Software to See Faces in Objects
Tom Blank of Weird History explains the phenomenon behind Pareidolia, noting how the human brain acts like facial recognition software.
Two Year Old Horse Whispering Toddler Bonds With the Many Horses on Her Family Farm
A two year old horse whispering toddler has developed an incredibly deep bond with the horses she cares for on her family farm.
The Similarities Between Big Cats and Domestic Cats
BBC Earth shared an adorable clip from Planet Earth III that features leopards in order to note how big cats are similar to domestic cats.
A Beginners Safety Guide to the Scottish Tradition of Wild Haggis Hunting
The Haggis Wildlife Foundation offered a comprehensive beginners safety guide to the traditional Scottish art of "Haggis Hunting".
Leslie Jones Will Come to Your Thanksgiving Dinner and Shut Down Conversations by Annoying Relatives
A hilarious sketch on The Daily Show features the services of Leslie Jones who will shut down annoying conversations at Thanksgiving.
An Oddly Adorable Weevil That Drills Through Acorns With Her Long Snout
The acorn weevil is an oddly adorable beetle with a long snout that can drill through the hard shell of an unripe acorn.
Why Eels Were Such a Popular Food in Medieval Times
Jason Kingsley OBE of Modern History TV explained how eels were a dining staple of Medieval society and used as currency for rent.
How the 1970s Became Golden Age of the Guitar Solo
In the fourth episode of "Axe to Grind", Noah Lefevre of Polyphonic takes a look at how the 1970s became the "Golden Age" of the guitar solo.
Bathtub Loving Beaver Gets His Own Pond
A busy beaver named JB who loved using his rescuers bathtub whenever he liked was given a custom pond of his very own.