A Short Tutorial On Playing the Musical Saw
Multi-instrumentalist Arnaud Delannoy gave a very short and helpful non-verbal lesson on the basics of playing the musical saw.
Car Jitsu, A Unique Sport Where Jiu-Jitsu Competitors Grapple With All Their Might Inside a Car
Car Jitsu is a unique sport in which jiu-jitsu practitioners grapple inside a car, using whatever is available to make the other tap out.
Ringneck Parrot Gives His Girlfriend Lots of Kisses
A green Indian ringneck parrot named Mintee who lives in Maldives loves to give his girlfriend, a white parrot named Amber, lots of kisses.
A Badass Mongolian Throat Singing Heavy Metal Band
Uuhai is a truly badass Mongolian heavy metal band that features traditional dress, instruments and the incredible throat singing.
A Pair of Peckish Emus Try to Eat the Food in the Picture on the Front of a Parrot Food Bag
A pair of emus were feeling a bit peckish while at the pet store so they tried to eat the picture of food on the front of a parrot food bag.
Four Tesla Coils Play an Electrifying Cover of ‘Billie Jean’
Fabricio H. Franzoli programmed his quartet of Tesla Coils to perform a electrifying cover of the classic Michael Jackson song "Billie Jean".
Exploring How Safe It Would Be to Swim in a Pool of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Randall Munroe and Henry Reich of "What If?" responded to a question about the safety of swimming in a spent nuclear fuel storage pool.
The Unique Microtonal Scale of the Çifteli Stringed Instrument
David Hilowitz found a çifteli at a thrift store and took it home to learn more about the stringed instrument and its microtonal scale.
How Fish Ladders Work to Keep Certain Species Migrating Smoothly
Practical Engineering explained how fish ladders work to keep specific species migrating smoothly during large water projects.
Taking a Dog-Sized Robotic Furby for a Walk in the Park
Married couple Evan and Katelyn turned a robotic quadruped into a strangely cute dog-sized Furby that they then took for a walk.