How Scientists Confirmed Color Blindness In Dogs
The premiere episode of the Howtown features a fascinating discussion about the types of colors dogs can and cannot see.

A Beautiful Tribute to Cala, The ‘I Go Meow’ Cat
David Scott of The Kiffness created a beautiful musical tribute to the vocal "I Go Meow" cat after learning that she had passed away.

Agile Cat Climbs the Underside of Open Riser Stairs While Trying To Get to the Second Floor
A little cat named Ninja hilariously attempted to go to the second level of the house by climbing the underside of the open riser stairs.

Why Certain Popular Baby Names From the Past Are No Longer Trendy
Otherwords host Dr. Erica Brozovsky, PhD explained why certain baby names that were once popular, just sound old to modern ears.

A Seamless Mashup of Alanis Morissette’s ‘You Oughta Know’ with Joan Jett’s ‘I Hate Myself For Loving You’
DJ Cummerbund seamlessly stitched together the Alanis Morissette song "You Oughta Know" with Joan Jett's "I Hate Myself for Loving You".

A Brief But Tasty History of Ice Cream
In a brief but tasty TED-Ed lesson, author Vivian Jiang explains the ancient origins of ice cream and how it became so popular in modern times.

A Creative Way to Respond to Upstairs Neighbors Who Stomp Around Too Much
dudettewithsign shared a creative, yet passive-aggressive way to respond to upstairs neighbors who stomp around too much.

A Paint Roller With a MIDI Controller That Plays Sampled Sounds As It Goes Up and Down a Wall
Dylan Sheridan attached a MIDI controller to the handle of a paint roller so that it would play sampled sounds as the roller moved.

A Cute Little Snake Watches TV While Curled Up on Her Human’s Lap
A cute little snake watched what was happening on television while curled up in a blanket on her human's lap.

Man Sings Amusing ‘Phone Keys Wallet’ Song to the Tune of ‘Another One Bites the Dust’
Fhonda Hatmaker shared an amusing video of her husband singing "Phone, Keys, Wallet" to the Queen song "Another One Bites the Dust".