Former Police Dog Rescued From a Kill Shelter When an Illness Made Her Unable to Perform Her Job
An absolutely beautiful German Shepherd named Queenie, who once served her country as a K9 dog, was surrendered to be euthanized when she developed degenerative myelopathy, a disabling disease that prevented her from doing her job. Luckily Brooke Allewelt, a very kindhearted person, stepped in to rescue Queenie and give her the love and care she needs for the rest of her life. According to Allewelt, Queenie is a really sweet, loving dog who is happy in her new home, but as Queenie’s condition worsens, she needs additional care and a wheelchair. Allewelt is raising funds through YouCaring in order to address Queenie’s needs.
I Rescued Queenie hours before being euthanized. However it was not an easy process. With help from other dog lovers Queenie was freed from death row and brought to her foster mom’s house where she will await our arrival. Queenie was recently diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy which destroys the dogs central nervous system leaving them unable to walk. She also has a rare skin condition that requires expensive medication. This is the reason she was surrendered to the kill shelter. She served this country as a police K9 and deserves to live out her golden years happy. Queenie is still healthy but has a wobble to her. I am planning on giving her the best Golden years and keep this old lady active and healthy.
via Ricky Davila