A Beautiful Orange and White Cat Lives a Very Happy Life Despite Having Both Eyes Removed as a Kitten
A beautiful orange and white cat named Kazou, who lives with his beloved pet photographer human Sabine Fallend and his feline siblings in Graz, Austria, is a wonderfully playful, affectionate, curious and adventurous cat in spite of (or because of) having had both eyes removed when he was a kitten.
Kazou barely seems to notice his lack of sight and enjoys his life immensely, thanks to a lot of hard work on the part of Fallend, who takes the time to train Kazou and the other cats in their lives.
Kazou was found as a kitten when his eyes were already badly damaged from the cat flu. Sadly, they couldn’t be saved and had to be surgically removed. But that hasn’t stopped him since – far from it! Kazou is a very curious, sassy, and fearless cat. Besides chasing bumblebees, of course, he loves being outside in his very own cat proof garden and feeling the sun on his belly. Everyone who meets Kazou is thrilled by his behavior. Even if he’s eyeless, I bet he can see with his heart. I’m sure he can!