‘Hall of Heroes’, Illustrations of 80 Famous Female Characters From Films and Television
Scott Park, the Toronto-based illustrator about whose work we’ve written in the past, recently unveiled “Hall of Heroes,” (larger) his latest creation that depicts, in…
Fennec Fox Adorably Chases Soap Bubbles Around a Giraffe-Print Blanket
Amir the fennec fox has an absolute ball as he adorably chases soap bubbles around a giraffe-print blanket at the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson,…
Persistent Boston Terrier Repeatedly Snorts, Clucks, and Whines in a Futile Attempt to Get His Human Out of Bed
A very persistent dog named Spanky repeatedly snorts, clucks, whines, and barks in a futile attempt to get Christopher Lowe, his equally stubborn human, up…
Creative Veterinarian Fashions a LEGO ‘Wheelchair’ for Disabled Pet Tortoise With Weakened Legs
‘Planet Tails’, The Second Operational Cat Café in America Opens in Naples, Florida
Planet Tales, a pet lifestyle center in Naples, Florida opened on December 3, 2014, becoming the second operational cat café in the United States. Founder…
Hedgehog Inadvertently Plays a Respectable Measure of Jazz Just by Walking Across the Piano Keys
Marutaro, the adorable hedgehog who poses for silly pictures, inadvertently plays a respectable measure of jazz whenever he walks across the keys of the family…
Tabby Cat With a Surprisingly Green Colored Coat Roams the Streets of Varna, Bulgaria
A stray tabby with an unusually colored coat of greenish-blue wanders the streets of Varna, Bulgaria, causing onlookers to do a double-take whenever the feline…
Great Horned Owl Skillfully Swims in Lake Michigan to Evade Pursuing Falcons
A great horned owl escaped from peregrine falcons by diving into Lake Michigan at a Chicago park, swimming away skillfully using a strigine version of…
Director Sam Mendes and Actor Daniel Craig Announce ‘SPECTRE’, The 24th James Bond Film
Director Sam Mendes and actor Daniel Craig announced yesterday that James Bond (Agent 007) would be returning in his 24th film, now called SPECTRE, during…
Musicians Coyote & Crow and a Little Girl in Pink Get a Brooklyn Subway Crowd Dancing to ‘Me & My Uncle’
Coyote & Crow, an incredible folk music duo who can be found playing such unique instruments as a double standup banjo bass and a Banjote…