A Simple Way to Create a Safe Drinking Glass From a Beer Bottle With Just a Few Household Items
Household Hacker demonstrates a simple way to create a safe drinking class from a beer bottle using only some isopropyl alcohol, cold water, a lighter, and a bit of string. They also stress that this method can take a bit of time, so patience and safety are of the utmost importance.
Want to make your own customized glassware? It is easier than you think if you keep safety first (gloves and water source). Here are all the materials needed to turn your Corona bottle into fine glassware.
1 Bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol (Rubbing alcohol)
A good length of cotton string or yarn
1 Bucket of Water
1 Serving of patienceBy tying the string around the bottle and igniting it we can weaken the bottle which will split it in two pieces when added to an ice bath. Remember to wear proper safety gear and have a fire extinguisher or water source near by.