Video of Chicken John’s Visit to San Francisco City Hall

Eddie Codel helped Chicken John put together awesome video, using footage shot by Jeremy Pollock, of Chicken’s visit to San Francisco’s City Hall last Friday, when he dropped off his giant check so he could be officially added to the election ballot.

Here’s Chicken’s account of the whole surreal experience, including running into Gavin Newsom after touring Gavin’s Chicken John’s future office. As it turns out, Gavin actually wanted to donate the money that Chicken asked him for in the Bay Guardian ad, but was told that it would be illegal. Also Chicken asked Gavin to debate him in the future and Gavin said that it would be fun. I can’t wait for that one.

Speaking of Chicken and his mayoral campaign, he was recently a guest on The RU Sirius Show. He talks about some of his previous projects, including ScrapHouse, as well as his platform for City of Art and Innovation.

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.