Rescued Piglet Thinks She’s a Dog

A feisty little piglet named Tootsie, who was liberated from a filthy pet store by Uncle Neil’s Home (UNH) and Revolution Philadelphia, does everything that Neil, the family dog does. She also runs zoomies around the house every night, demands all sorts of food, and even spoons with Penny, the family cat. According to UNH’s Rian Feldman, Tootsie thinks she’s a dog.

You see, every single night she sprints around the house. She actually barks like Neil and lets out the funniest sounds and she tries to get the cats involved which doesn’t always work ….she’s very close with Neil the second. As soon as she saw Neil she was like that’s my best friend. If we’re laying on the dog bed, Tootsie had to be like on the dog bed. If Neil was eating snacks Tootsie wanted snacks. If he was on the couch, Tootsie wanted to be on the couch. …She’s completely house trained and lets us know when she needs to go outside just like a dog…

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.