Determined Goose Learns to Walk Again After an Injury to His Spine
A determined goose named Zeus at the Tamerlaine Sanctuary worked his way back to running after a spine injury that left him unable to walk.

Great Grandfather Surprised to Find Out He Set a Guinness World Record for the Largest Brick Collection
Clem Reinkemeyer of Tulsa was surprised to find out that he set the Guinness World Record for the largest collection of bricks in 2023.

George Takei Reveals the Origin Behind His Signature Catchphrase of ‘Oh My’
George Takei revealed the origins of "Oh My", his signature catchphrase while appearing on "The Graham Norton Show" in 2023.

The LEGO Rules That Dictate How Pieces Have to Be Connected In a Specific ‘Legal’ Way
Sam Denby of Half as Interesting explains how a LEGO set is assembled and the rules of LEGO that make certain moves illegal.

Devoted Tabby Cat Loves Going for Rides on the Seat of His Favorite Human’s Walker
An adorable cat named Gus loves to go for a ride on the seat of his favorite human's walker both outside and inside the house.

Violinist Performs a Beautiful Duet With the Musical Alarm on Her Washing Machine
Allie Miller performed a beautiful yet extremely casual duet with the musical alarm on her washing machine.

The Intelligent Biology That Lets Insects Fly in the Rain
Dr. Joe Hanson explains how insects can fly in the rain due to their super hydrophobic wings that are impervious to water.

Sir David Attenborough Befriends a Giant Animated Dinosaur at the Natural History Museum in London
Sir David Attenborough befriended a giant animated female Diplodocus dinosaur at the Natural History Museum in London.

How Researchers Are Using AI to Learn How Spanish Carrion Crows Communicate With Each Other
Researchers at the University of León and Earth Species Project are using AI programs to learn how carrion crows communicate with each other.

Frank Reynolds Makes His Overbearing Presence Known in ‘Cyberpunk 2077’
eli_handle_b.wav inserted the overbearing Frank Reynolds from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" into the video game "Cyberpunk 2077".