Comedian Continues His Quest to Tie All Adam Sandler Movies Together in ‘Sandlerverse 2’
Shawn Kohne, who tied all Adam Sandler‘s movies into one "Sandlerverse" in 2016, went back down the same rabbit hole with a second volume.
Michael Imperioli Gives a Tour of His Ornate NYC Home
Michael Imperioli invited Architectural Digest into his ornate NYC home, which showcases the interior design talents of his wife Victoria.
Why Fennec Foxes Are the World’s Smallest Wild Dogs
PBS nature series "Dogs In the Wild" focuses on the fennec fox, and how this smallest wild dog in the world survives the desert.
A Size Comparison of Existing and Planned Skyscrapers
Global Data created a soaring 3D animation comparing the scale size of the tallest existing and planned skyscrapers in the world.
A Wintry Acoustic Cover of ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ on Guitar With Attachable Reverse Slide
Luca Stricagnoli played the Israel Kamakakawiwo’ole version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on acoustic guitar with "reverse slide".
Musician Plugs His Melodica Into a Vacuum Cleaner
Talented musician Vinheteiro amusingly plugged his Melodica into a vacuum cleaner to see how it would sound with suctioned air.
Hikers Find a Rare Spinning Ice Disk at the Foot of a Scottish Waterfall
Hikers in the Scottish Highlands near Loch Fyne looked down to see a rare ice disc spinning at foot of the waterfall below.
Composer Draws Sheet Music as Cute Cats and Dogs
For his "Sympawnies" series, composer Noam Oxman draws sheet music in the shape of cats, dogs, and other adorable creatures.
Four Dogs Set Guinness World Record for Most Medical Conditions Detected
Four dogs at Medical Detection Dogs set the World Record for most medical conditions detected by sniffing out an impressive 28 diseases.
An Elegant Metallic Print That Maps Out the History of Jazz as a 1950s Phonograph Circuit Board
James Quail of Dorothy designed an elegant metallic print that maps out the history of jazz as a circuit diagram of a 1950s phonograph.