Rob Delaney Reads a Clever Letter From Lawyer Pliny the Younger to a Friend Who Stood Him Up
Rob Delaney read aloud a deliciously clever letter from attorney Pliny the Younger to his friend Septicius Clarus who stood him up.

Timid Pit Bull Is Afraid of Cat Waiting at Top of the Stairs
A timid pit bull named Prince Kuhio was afraid to climb the stairs at Hanai Kennels because a scary cat was waiting for him at the top.

John Lennon Uses the First Four Letters of the Alphabet To Sound Out the Chorus to ‘Let It Be’
As The Beatles were writing "Let It Be", John Lennon found that using the first letters of the alphabet was a good way to to sound it out.

The Complete Fantastic Four Radio Show With Stan Lee as Narrator and Bill Murray as The Human Torch
Strange Brain Parts shared all 13 episodes of the 1975 Fantastic Four radio show with Stan Lee as narrator and Bill Murray as Human Torch.

Musician Plays Pink Floyd’s ‘Brain Damage’ on Dulcimer
Sam Edelston sat inside a padded room with "The Scream" on his tie and played the plaintive Pink Floyd song "Brain Damage" on dulcimer.

Protective Goose Thinks His Beloved Human Is His Wife
A very affectionate Scottish goose named Glenn seems to think that his human Shirley is actually his bonded partner and wife.

Artist Makes the World’s Smallest Flipbook Animations Under a Microscope
Animator Andy Bailey shared how he created the world's tiniest flipbook animation under a high-powered microscope.

Three Bugs Reveal What Night in the City Looks Like From Their Point of View in ‘A Real Bug’s Life’
In "A Real Bug's Life", a jumping spider, praying mantis, and cockroach each reveal what nighttime in the city is like from their own POV.

Why Total Solar Eclipses Will Become Far More Rare in the Future
Henry Reich of MinutePhysics explained how a solar eclipse is a rare and beautiful thing that is going to become far more rare in the future.

Wonderfully Candid Footage of Birds Enjoying a Small Waterpool in a Dutch Forest
Nature photographer Martijn Nugteren captured wonderfully candid footage of various birds enjoying a small waterpool in the forest.