A Virginia Driver Dresses Like a Car Seat to Give the Brilliant Illusion of a Self-Driving Van
This is one of the strangest things I've ever seen @nbcwashington @ARLnowDOTcom pic.twitter.com/8ipKEnkeiq — Adam Tuss (@AdamTuss) August 7, 2017 While out driving in the…
A Stunning Timelapse That Captures the Intricate Movements of a Spider Weaving Her Web
BBC Earth captured through a stunning timelapse, the intricate movements of a female orb spider as she expertly weaved her web, showing the entire amazing…
Gorgeously Detailed Butterfly and Moth Sculptures Made Out of Hand Painted Embroidered Textiles
Textile artist Yumi Okita creates absolutely gorgeous and highly detailed sculptures of various butterflies, moths and cicadas out of colorful materials that she paints, embroiders…
A Stately Tortoise Proudly Struts Around Pet Store in His Flashing UFO Halloween Costume
In 2014, a rather stately sulcata tortoise named Frankie proudly strutted around a pet supply store in a fantastic UFO Halloween costume with flashing lights…
Compassionate Arborist Brothers-in-Law Who Rescue Cats From Tall Trees In Their Spare Time
Great Big Story visited with Tom Otto and Shaun Sears of Canopy Cat Rescue, a benevolent pair of brothers-in-law in Seattle, to talk with them…
Oscar Isaac Loses His Mind After Being Struck by Lightning in the Short Film ‘Lightningface’
Lightningface is a great short film, written and directed by Brian Petsos, about a man named Basil Stitt (Oscar Isaac) who loses his mind, uproots…
Milky Shot, An Animated Short About a Curious Spoon Shaped Alien Who Takes All of Our Spoons
Roy Kafri and Gon Ben Ari have created “Milky Shot,” a delightful animated short about a giant spoon shaped alien who hovers above Earth and…
Jim Carrey Opens Up About His Love of Painting, Sculpting and Isolation in ‘I Needed Color’
In the short documentary “I Needed Color” by Signature Gallery Group, actor/comedian Jim Carrey revealed a very serious side of his personality as he opened…
A Lively Car-Chasing Rhinoceros Disrupts Traffic On a Small Road in Northeast India
A rather lively rhinoceros took off running along a small road in Assam, India and disrupted oncoming traffic. The confused drivers weren’t exactly sure where…
The World’s Smallest Working Powered Train Set
IDL Motors has created an amazing Teeny Track Nano Kit that is the smallest working powered train in the world. The Museum of Working Miniatures…