A Wonderful Website That Lets Viewers Visit Parks Around the World For One Minute at a Time

One Minute Park

Computer artist Elliott Cost created One Minute Park, a wonderful website with rotating videos that lets viewers virtuallty visit parks around the world for one minute at a time.

One Minute Park allows you to visit parks from around the world for one minute each. These are just one minute videos, not webcams.

This is an ongoing project as Cost is looking fill up every minute of the day with user-submitted videos.

Eventually the project will fill in all the minutes (1440) in a day. You can create your own One Minute Park to help achieve this goal.

How to Submit a Video to One Minute Park

Cost gives specific instructions on his website to submit one-minute videos.

Walk around a park until you find a composition. Your scene should be filled with many layers of activity without any dominating elements. ….Record in landscape mode on your phone. Keep your shot as steady as you can but don’t use a tripod. ….Check the timecode indicator while filming to make your video exactly 60 seconds. …Videos should be in .mp4 format. Please include the date, time, park, location in the block’s title.

One Minute Park Thornhill Square

One Minute Park Seattle
One Minute Park NYC
One Minute Park Belgium

via Recomendo

Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.