Moodles, Brilliantly Animated Human Figures Unravel Into Colorful Strands of Emotional Spaghetti
“Moodles” is a brilliant animation by filmmaker Ari Winkel in which animated human figures that are frozen in place, suddently unravel into shapeless strands of spaghetti. Each vignette is of a different color in order to represent various moods, fears anxieties and emotions such as stress, exhaustion and panic, which are often the only things that appear to be keeping people upright. Once that stress is removed as in the film, the body becomes relaxed and able to unwind.
Moodles is a short animation based on the effects of negative emotions on one’s self. It turns built up tension, stress, and anxiety into creative catharsis. Frozen figures – once paralyzed by moods – are reduced to heaps of flexible nothingness.