Ice Music, A Swedish Orchestra That Plays on Ice Instruments

Ice Music Swedish Ice Instrument Orchestra
photo by Graeme Richardson

Ice Music is a Swedish orchestra that plays on instruments made of ice. The “ICEstruments,” including violins, banjos, and drums, are crafted by Ice Music founder Tim Linhart. The group performs in the ICE Concert Hall, a cavernous igloo-like ice structure in Luleå in Northern Sweden. Their 2014 season runs through April 6. Mother Nature Network has more photos and info.

video by Viveka Sjölund

Ice Music
photo by Graeme Richardson

Ice Music Swedish Ice Instrument Orchestra
photo by Karin Aberg

Ice Music Swedish Ice Instrument Orchestra
photo by Graeme Richardson

via Mother Nature Network, Lustik

E.D.W. Lynch
E.D.W. Lynch

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