Man Builds a Giant Cat Food Marble Run to Feed His Impatient Early-Rising Cats
Half-Asleep Chris created very clever giant run that uses cat food puzzle balls instead of marbles for impatient cats Ralph and Bella.
My cat Ralph wakes me up every day by meowing at 6am, so I built a contraption to feed him from my bed. It’s a giant marble run, where the balls of cat food zoom all around my house before cracking open and feeding Ralph and Bella
It seems that Ralph was constantly waking Chris up at a very early hour in order to be fed. Rather than being at Ralph’s beck and call, he crafted a solution that he calls the MEOW STOPPER – a machine that would allow both cats to feed themselves. Like his other projects, this one takes up much of his house, albeit at great heights.
But I’ve invented a solution I call it: the Mightily Elaborate Overly Whimsical Sloped Transportation Of Pellets for Pestiferously Early Risers, the MEOW STOPPER Essentially, it’s a giant cat food marble run spanning my entire house.
The run features an alligator head, a windmill, a pseudo hamster wheel, and a giant open-mouthed Ralph. Sadly Ralph didn’t take to it at all.
But what about Ralph? Will it finally stop his early morning meows? Nope. If anything it seemed to make him meow more! He did eat a single pellet, literally just one and once again from the floor not the bowl, but then went right back to meowing.