Cover of The New Yorker Created Entirely on an iPhone Using the Brushes App

The New Yorker iPhone

Jorge Colombo created the June 1st cover of The New Yorker entirely on an iPhone in one hour using the Brushes app.

Colombo’s phone drawing is very much in the tradition of a certain kind of New Yorker cover, and he doesn’t see the fact that it’s a virtual finger painting as such a big deal. “Imagine twenty years ago, writing about these people who are sending these letters on their computer.” But watching the video playback has made him aware that how he draws a picture can tell a story, and he’s hoping to build suspense as he builds up layers of color and shape.


Jorge sells prints of his iPhone art through 20×200. The prints are made in San Francisco by Electric Works and fulfilled by our friends at Noonaco.

I only got an iPhone in February 2009, so all this is still very new. It all started when I realized I could draw while night-riding in a car. Soon I found myself sketching NY spots that are part of my life. I’ve lived in the USA for 20 years and I’m still looking at its urban landscape as if I was discovering it for the first time.

Scott Beale
Scott Beale

Scott Beale founded Laughing Squid in 1995 in San Francisco and is currently based in New York City. When not running the blog, Scott can be found posting on Bluesky and sharing photos on Instagram.