Gigantic Dislodged Boulders Roll Down Mountain Destroying Family Vineyard in Northern Italy
On January 21, 2014, a gigantic dislodged boulder measuring 400 cubic meters rolled right through a sharecropper’s farm in South Tyrol, Italy, while another boulder that also broke loose, rested just inches from the main house. Luckily no one was hurt, but the barn that housed the farm equipment was destroyed beyond repair along with many of the vineyard crops. A call for donations has been posted for the victims of this disaster.
Visto che gran parte dei macchinari è distrutto, e ci vorrà del tempo per la bonifica del terreno, il danno si proseguirà anche per gli anni futuri. Ci vorrà ancora del tempo finche la famiglia composta da cinque persone può ritornare in casa, perché a tutt’ oggi c’è ancora il rischio che altri massi pericolanti e instabili rendono la zona pericolosa. Si parla di danni di diverse centinaia di migliaia di Euro, che una famiglia da sola non può far fronte. Prego aiutate anche Voi, con un donazione alla famiglia Trebo per poter tornate a una vita normale.
Given that most of the machinery is destroyed, and it will take time for the reclamation of the land, the damage will continue for many years to come. It will take some time until the family of five can return home because today there is still the risk that other unsafe and unstable boulders make the area dangerous. There is talk of damage to several hundred thousand, that a family alone can not afford. Please help with a donation for the Trebo family that will allow them return to a normal life.
video and images via Tareom
via BBC News