Catchy Animated Coronavirus Pop Song by the Viet Nam Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health
With the spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) hitting Asian countries hard, the Viet Nam Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health put out a catchy, animated pop song that features celebrity musicians Kuac Hung, Min and Erik singing about how to deal with Coronavirus, how to avoid getting the virus and the importance of being kind to one another during this health crisis.
(translated) ‘Jealousy Ms. Vy’ is a creative project of the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health, in collaboration with musician Khac Hung, singer Min and singer Erik. Through this project, we look forward to empowering and trusting the community, so that we can join hands to combat COVID-19 (aka nCoV-2019). … Let our community take the initiative in implementing preventive habits as recommended by specialized agencies and spreading good and kind things to win the disease together.
Nikki Châu Ngọc Trân translated the video into English so that the message can be spread worldwide.
Hi everyone. I came across the video and liked it so much, I translated the lyrics into English and add as subtitles.
The video was also featured on an episode of Last Week Tonight, during which host John Oliver talked about COVID-19 in the United States.
As coronavirus spreads to the US, John Oliver discusses what’s being done to fight the illness, what’s gone wrong, and how to stay safe.
Oliver also gave some very good advice while dancing to the song.