Twitter Glossary 2013, Subtweets, Twitter Canoes, and Hatereads Explained
Stefan Becket of New York Magazine has published “Twitter Glossary, 2013,” a handy guide to the most prevalent Twitter slang of the year. Becket defines and gives examples of Twitter canoes, hatereads, and subtweets, and explains where the Twitter-specific vocabulary originated. Check out the full story to learn more.
@mattlanger @samfbiddle @jwherrman @max_read @katienotopoulos @rilaws @adrianchen @laura_june cool twitter canoe we're on
— LW (@lindseyweber) August 30, 2012
@mattlanger @rustyk5 @jessmisener @atotalmonet @mattbuchanan @samfbiddle @katienotopoulos @dannosowitz @jwherrman grab a paddle
— Laura June (@laura_june) July 26, 2013
@laura_june @mattlanger @rustyk5 @jessmisener @atotalmonet @mattbuchanan @samfbiddle @katienotopoulos @dannosowitz @jwherrman splash
— màt hønan (@mat) July 26, 2013
image via New York Magazine