Ze Frank Presents Some ‘True Facts’ About the Adorable Short Beaked Echidna of Australia

In a phallic episode of his True Facts series, narrator Ze Frank offers a humorous look at the specific biology of a gestating male short beaked echidna, a furry spiny creature who is native to Australia and the South Pacific.

First, it sort of flattens out and then goes all pinchy, pinchy, before transforming into a slightly toothed vagina. Then onto a Salvador Dali impression of SpongeBob before hitting the crucial stage of two squirrels humping. …Next, we have a goblin fondly admiring his new pet baby dragon ….But he’s getting sleepy. Then he falls asleep and dreams that his bellybutton has become a fist.

Frank pulls no punches when it comes to the grown version of this adorable little pointy noised creature, who wants nothing more than to waddle around hunt insects in the wild using its unique biology.

Echidnas can also use those snouts to dig, and that’s because that thing is solid, made out of their face bones. I mean, from the top, the skull looks like a bicycle seat just right for a naked man. … Well, they can use that thing like it’s a pointy plow, but not like some ordinary gardening tool. It’s fancy. The thing’s like a metal detector but for ants and termites. …And listen, if you’re an ant or a termite and get found out, you’re going to get the tongue.It’s a long one too. Chase you right down a hole.

Short Beaked Echidna
Lori Dorn
Lori Dorn

Lori is a Laughing Squid Contributing Editor based in New York City who has been writing blog posts for over a decade. She also enjoys making jewelry, playing guitar, taking photos and mixing craft cocktails.