Real Value, Upcoming Documentary About Sustainable Small Businesses in America

Real Value is an upcoming documentary about American small businesses that give equal weight to people, the planet, and profit. The film focuses on four successful sustainability-minded businesses located in North Carolina, ranging from a biofuel manufacturer to an insurance company. Real Value is by North Carolina-based filmmaker Jesse Borkowski. He’s raising funds for the project on Kickstarter.

Real Value is an independent documentary that explores real, profitable businesses that choose to focus not just on the bottom line, but on the health of their surrounding communities and the planet that we all share.

To these businesses, things like manufacturing goods in the USA, paying fair wages, and taking care of the environment isn’t going the extra mile – it’s just common sense. They know that their businesses work within a system, that their communities are part of this system, and that when these communities are happy and healthy, their businesses are more likely to be the same.

Real Value documentary by Jesse Borkowski

E.D.W. Lynch
E.D.W. Lynch

Writer and humor generalist on the Internet and on Facebook.