Poorly Drawn Dog Peeking Through Brick Wall

Simplistic Animal Illustrations Based on Photos

Mood pic.twitter.com/Sqv29hvHkY — Poorly Drawn Animals (@PoorlyDraws) October 1, 2019 Poorly Drawn Animals is an amusing Twitter account that posts simplistic illustrations of animals based…

Science of Persuasion

The Science Behind Effective Persuasion

In a seemingly prescient whiteboard animation from 2012, Dr. Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin explain the science of effective persuasion. In doing so, they illuminate…

Baby Cephalopods First Moments

What Life Looks Like to Baby Cephalopods

In a clip from the upcoming PBS documentary Octopus: Making Contact (previously), newly hatched octopuses, squid and cuttlefish explore their respective new worlds outside the…