Rabbit, A Surreal and Disturbing Animated Short
“Rabbit” is a surreal and disturbing animated short created by Run Wrake in 2005.
Pre Maker Faire Austin 2007 Meetup at The Ginger Man
Maker Faire Austin 2007 is this weekend and I’ll be in Austin a couple of days early, so I’m organizing a Laughing Squid Pre Maker…
Lights Out San Francisco, Turning Off Lights For One Hour
Lights Out San Francisco is inviting the residents of San Francisco to turn off their lights for one hour (8pm to 9pm) on Saturday, October…
Ignite SF This Tuesday at DNA Lounge
Just a reminder that Ignite SF, a series of 5 minute geek talks hosted by Brady Forrest of O’Reilly Media (see my previous post), takes…
Interactive LED Coffee Tables
Our friends over at Because We Can and Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories have joined forces to create two types of amazing Interactive LED Coffee Tables,…
XKCD Comic on YouTube Comments
xkcd has a great comic dealing with the famously annoying and stupid comments that seem to dominate video postings on YouTube. via Evil Mad Scientist…
Mayoral Debate and Zombie Attack Photos
photo by Dave Schumaker Dave Schumaker shot some photos of last night’s San Francisco mayoral debate at the main public library which was immediately followed…
Laughing Squid Illustration by Ferris Plock
San Francisco artist Ferris Plock has created a really cool illustration for our Hi Fructose Magazine back page ad which will be featured in the…
NoonaCo Shipping and Fulfillment Services
NoonaCo is a great shipping and fulfillment service located in San Francisco that is run by my good friend Helena “Noona” Nolan, who has worked…
Bay Area Hackmeet: Tech, Activism, Art & Community
Pod just pinged us about Bay Area Hackmeet, a two-day unconference organized by The Mad Penguins for tech activists, artists & community members that takes…