An Amusing Yet Slightly Dark Sketch Comedy Video About the Drama of Forgetting the Reusable Bags
Australian comedy troupe Aunty Donna took on the fear, guilt, and shame of forgetting to use the reusable shopping bags while shopping.
I Love You, He Said in a Husky Voice
English language tutor imagines what saying “I love you” in a “husky” voice might sound like while reading Bridget Jones’s Diary.
A Clever Parody of ‘100 Years’ by Five for Fighting About the 15 Useless Decorative Pillows on the Bed
Penn Holderness performed an amusing parody of the Five for Fighting song "100 Years" to complain about the 15 decorative pillows on his bed.
Why the United States Has So Many ‘Jack’ Cheeses
British ex-pat Laurence Brown of Lost in the Pond offered a quick but fairly thorough explanation of why so many cheeses are called "jack".
The Strange Deaths of Aristocrats in Medieval Times
The History Guy looked back to the medieval period to look at the less than noble deaths of the ruling aristocrats of the time.
Realistic Tortoise Shell Backpacks Made Out of Leather
Lisbanoe Leather Craft in Armagh, Northern Ireland, creates realistic tortoise shell backpacks that are made completely out of leather.
Two Incredibly Intelligent Dogs Set Several Guinness World Records While Also Helping Save the Environment
Guinness World Records spoke with Olga Jones, the proud human of Bonnie and Simba, two incredibly smart dogs who set several world records.
The Final Dance Scene in ‘Dirty Dancing’ Synced Up With ‘The Muppet Show’ Theme
Pandamoanium quite amusingly synced the final dance scene in "Dirty Dancing" to the classic theme of "The Muppet Show".
The Evolution of the Old Fashioned Cocktail Including One From the Future
Kevin Kos prepared and tasted four different versions of an Old Fashioned from different eras including one from the future.
Comparing the Pronunciation and Spelling of Various British and American Words
British ex-pat Laurence Brown shared an amusing list of words that are pronounced and spelled differently in the UK and in the US.