Asking 100 People to Scream As Loud as Possible
As part of their Keep it 100 series, Cut asked 100 people to scream as loud as possible with mixed reactions.

Chimpanzee Rescued From a Biomedical Research Lab Sees the Sky for the First Time in Her 28 Year Life
A beautiful chimpanzee named Vanilla tentatively walked outside to see the sky for the first time in her 28 years of life.

Dropping a Big Rock Down a Massive 600 Foot Deep Pit
Deep Freedom joined the ActionAdventureTwins to throw a large rock down 600 feet into the deepest pit in the United States.

A Miniature American Breakfast Prepared With Tiny Cooking Utensils
The person behind Tiny Cakes prepared a tiny American breakfast using tiny cooking utensils and real ingredients.

A Calming Journey Inside a South American Rainforest
BBC Earth created a gorgeous journeyhat invites viewers to enjoy the the unique animals of the Atlantic Rainforest in South America.

An Insightful Look Into How an Introvert Sees the World
Sofja Umarik describes being an introvert, further explaining how she navigates through a loud world that doesn't recognize quiet strength.

Why Some People Like the Smell of Gasoline
Savannah Geary of SciShow explains the science behind why some people really enjoy the specific smell of gasoline.

Two Tiny Baby Stoats Meet For the First Time
Robert E Fuller found and hand-raised an abandoned baby stoat he named Whisper and introduced her to a second female baby stoat named Stuart.

One Word Impressions of Celebrities Chosen at Random
Mary Elizabeth Kelly did flawless one-word impressions of various celebrities that were chosen at random.

Scientists Discover That Octopuses Dream Like Humans
Scientists in Japan have discovered that octopuses dream, as observed by chromatophores that ripple across their skin during sleep.