An Explanation of Every Psychological Effect
The Paint Explainer visually and verbally described every known psychological effect over the course of 12 colorful minutes.

Orange Cat Hilariously Lip-Syncs the Angsty Linkin Park Song ‘What I’ve Done’
Andrea McGowen created a hilarious video of an orange cat lip-syncing to the Linkin Park song "What I've Done", a song chosen by Andudandu.

Teen Hatches Quail From Eggs Bought at Grocery Store
Teenager Zara Sutcliffe hatched a live quail from quail eggs bought at a Sainsbury grocery store outside Manchester, England.

A Boy Tries to Forstall His Mother’s Death in a Gorgeous Animation Set to Pink Floyd’s ‘Great Gig in the Sky’
Pipou Phuong Nguyen created an animated short set to Pink Floyd's "The Great Gig in the Sky" about a boy trying to forestall his mother's death.

An Insightful Explanation of Philosophical Razors
Flash Bytes offered an insightful and unbiased list of philosophical razors, explaining each with a light sense of humor.

Smart Binoculars That Can Identify Over 9,000 Bird Species Using AI
The AX Visio by SWAROVSKI OPTIK is a smart set of binoculars that provides real-time identification of over 9,000 bird species with AI.

Persistent Rooster Excitedly Circles the Colorful Hen House Where His Wife Lives
Temara Brown shared amusing footage of her house rooster Steve waking her up so that he could visit his wife Margaret at the hen house.

How to Safely Survive Falling Through Ice
DJ of "The Bear Essentials" helpfully demonstrated how to survive a fall through the ice and how to rescue yourself if you are alone.

How Plants Warn Each Other of Imminent Danger
Researchers discovered that plants employ a calcium signaling emergency broadcast system when responding to imminent danger.

Cocker Spaniel Flips Up Her Floppy Ears Whenever She Receives a Compliment
A rescued ginger cocker spaniel named JoJo adorably flips her floppy ears up at the bottom whenever her human gives her compliments.